
Associated Press


IMF And World Bank Urged To Boost Climate Funding For African Nations 

In recent years, climate funding to Africa has increased, with recognition that the continent is least responsible for emissions but most at risk from climate change because of a lack of financing and ability to cope

October 13, 2023

Phase-Out Of Unabated Fossil Fuels Required: UN

Countries need to stop $450 billion in annual subsidies for coal, oil and natural gas

September 09, 2023

Climate Activists Protest Against Luxury

Climate activism has intensified in the past few years as the planet warms to dangerous levels, they're now turning their attention to the wealthy, after long targeting some of the world's most profitable companies – oil and gas conglomerates, banks and insurance firms that continue to invest in fossil fuels

August 28, 2023

El- Nino Impacts Rice Supply Chain 

An El Nino is a natural, temporary and occasional warming of part of the Pacific Ocean that shifts global weather patterns, and climate change is making them stronger

August 22, 2023

Owing To Climate Change Sweden Aims To Expand Its Wine Industry 

Climate change can make areas once ideal for certain grapes more challenging. Extreme heat ripens grapes faster, leading either to earlier harvests that can diminish quality, or to stronger, less balanced wines if left to ripen too long

August 21, 2023

More Financing Required To Deal With Climate Change: UN Global Climate Summit Chief

High costs have prevented island nations from quickly adopting renewable energy as they face what he said was some of the world's harshest climate impacts, added Sultan Al-Jaber

August 12, 2023

Nuclear Fuel Imports Rise, Moscow Gains

Reliance on nuclear power is expected to grow as nations embrace alternatives to fossil fuels. Nuclear power plants produce no emissions

August 11, 2023

Amazon Nations Looking For Action From Industrialised World

The summit reinforces Lula's strategy to leverage global concern for the Amazon's preservation. Emboldened by a 42% drop in deforestation during his first seven months in office, he has sought international financial support for forest protection

August 09, 2023

Climate Change And Tribal Heritage Lead Biden To Create A New National Monument

The president tied the designation to his administration's larger push to combat climate change and noted this summer's extreme heat, which has been especially punishing in places like Phoenix

August 09, 2023

Automakers Unite To Build North American Electric Vehicle Charging Network

This joint venture will be a critical step in accelerating EV adoption across the US and Canada, Honda CEO Toshihiro Mibe said in a statement

July 28, 2023