
A Ready Reckoner For Climate Justice

By Ishanee Sharma April 13, 2024

Jatinder (Jay) Cheema’s book sheds light on the complexities of climate change mitigation, adaptation, and sustainability efforts worldwide through a detailed analysis of international agreements, national policies, legal frameworks, and current practices

A Ready Reckoner For Climate Justice

In "Climate Change: The Policy, Law, and Practice," Jatinder Cheema presents a comprehensive exploration of the multifaceted challenges posed by climate change and the corresponding policy, legal, and practical responses needed to address this global crisis effectively. Through a detailed analysis of international agreements, national policies, legal frameworks, and current practices, Cheema sheds light on the complexities of climate change mitigation, adaptation, and sustainability efforts worldwide.

Understanding Climate Change Policies:

One of the book's key strengths lies in its examination of diverse climate change policies. Cheema navigates through the intricacies of international agreements such as the Paris Agreement, emphasising the collective commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions for a sustainable future. By delving into the mechanisms of national climate action plans, which encompass reduction, adaptation, and mitigation strategies, the author highlights the importance of coordinated efforts at both global and local levels. Renewable energy policies and carbon pricing mechanisms, including carbon taxes and cap-and-trade systems, are discussed in detail, showcasing the diverse approaches adopted by different countries in addressing climate change challenges.

Navigating legal frameworks:

Cheema also delves into the legal dimensions of climate change action. From environmental regulations aimed at curbing pollution to energy efficiency standards targeting industries and transportation sectors, the book underscores the role of regulatory frameworks in driving sustainable practices. Land use planning and the protection of ecosystems emerge as critical elements in mitigating climate change's environmental impact, underscoring the interconnectedness of human activities and ecological health.

By examining the evolving legal frameworks globally, the book provides insights into the challenges and opportunities in enforcing climate-related laws and regulations. Practical Strategies and Innovations: Beyond policies and laws, Cheema explores real-world practices and innovations driving climate change resilience. Corporate sustainability initiatives aimed at transparency and accountability showcase the private sector's role in sustainable development. Public awareness campaigns and educational programmes emerge as vital tools for fostering climate-conscious communities and promoting behavioural changes. The author also delves into the realm of research and development, highlighting innovations in green technologies and sustainable practices across various sectors. Community engagement strategies and the development of green infrastructure further underscore the multifaceted approach needed to tackle climate change challenges effectively.

Global Collaboration and Diplomacy:

A significant emphasis in the book is placed on international cooperation and diplomatic efforts to address climate change. Cheema underscores the necessity of global partnerships and negotiations, stressing the interconnectedness of climate impacts across borders. Through case studies and examples, the author illustrates successful collaborative initiatives while also addressing challenges and barriers to effective global climate action. The book serves as a valuable resource for understanding the complexities of diplomatic negotiations and the role of international agreements in shaping climate policies. 

Analysing Science-Policy Interactions:

Cheema's exploration of the intricate relationship between science and policy is a highlight of the book. By elucidating how scientific research informs policy decisions and vice versa, the author bridges the gap between academia, governance, and practical implementation. The book underscores the critical role of evidence-based decision-making in crafting effective climate policies and strategies. Through case studies and data-driven analyses, readers gain insights into the challenges and successes of aligning scientific knowledge with policy actions in the context of climate change. 

Critical Evaluation:

While the book provides a comprehensive overview of climate change policies, laws, and practices, some readers may find certain technical sections challenging to grasp. The complexity of legal and scientific terminology in discussing climate-related issues may require additional background knowledge for full comprehension. However, the book's depth of analysis and its relevance in the ongoing discourse on climate change make it a valuable resource for policymakers, researchers, students, and anyone interested in environmental sustainability.


"Climate Change: The Policy, Law, and Practice" by Jatinder Cheema offers a nuanced exploration of the global efforts to combat climate change from policy, legal, and practical perspectives. Its comprehensive coverage of international agreements, national strategies, legal frameworks, and innovative practices provides readers with a holistic understanding of the challenges and opportunities in addressing climate change. By emphasising the importance of collaboration, transparency, and evidence-based decision-making, the book contributes significantly to the ongoing dialogue on climate change mitigation, adaptation, and sustainability, making it a must-read for those engaged in environmental advocacy and policy formulation.

Book Details:

Climate Change: The Policy, Law, and Practice

By Jatinder (Jay) Cheema

Publisher: Thomson Reuters

Pp 862

Rs 2,750
