
CREDAI and IGBC Come Together To Push The Case For Green Buildings 

By Outlook Planet Desk April 17, 2023

The collaboration between CREDAI and IGBC will increase the capacity of CREDAI developers and provide the essential know-how

CREDAI and IGBC Come Together To Push The Case For Green Buildings 
IGBC would help CREDAI projects go green.

The Confederation of Real Estate Developers' Associations of India (CREDAI) and the Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that includes, among other things, the following areas of cooperation:

Local IGBC chapters: To advance the green building movement, IGBC will enlist the help of CREDAI members in each of its local chapters and work closely with the region's/state's stakeholders.

IGBC Technical Committees: Senior CREDAI members will be invited to join the IGBC green building rating system's steering committees and a number of technical committees.

Spread CREDAI’s green building footprint: IGBC would help CREDAI projects go green and enable them to attain the appropriate green building rating through its local chapters and technical assistance.

Priority focus on affordable housing: IGBC has a separate rating for environmentally friendly affordable housing, and under this rating system, IGBC would provide technical assistance for CREDAI projects to go green.

Capacity Building and Skill Development: IGBC and CREDAI will work together to organise training and awareness campaigns to help IGBC and CREDAI chapter stakeholders strengthen their capacities nationwide. To prepare CREDAI members for IGBC Accredited Professionals (AP) tests, IGBC would organise specialised skill-development seminars.

Policy Advocacy: For the purpose of providing policy incentives to IGBC-rated initiatives, IGBC and CREDAI will collaborate and coordinate with the government—both the central and state governments. Additionally, it will help with quicker environmental approval for IGBC projects and other government programmes.

IGBC and CREDAI will work together to organise training and awareness campaigns to help IGBC and CREDAI chapter stakeholders strengthen their capacities nationwide. To prepare CREDAI members for IGBC Accredited Professionals (AP) tests, IGBC would organise specialised skill-development seminars.

In order to promote green buildings in the nation through EDGE certification, the Confederation of Real Estate Developers' Associations of India (CREDAI) has teamed up with the IFC (International Finance Corporation), a member of the World Bank Group. EDGE is prepared to quickly, easily, and affordably kickstart the mainstreaming of green buildings across the nation.

Building energy and water efficiency is the subject of the EDGE standard, which stands for Excellence in Design for Greater Efficiencies. Builders and homeowners are given the freedom by EDGE to select environmentally friendly technical solutions while accounting for costs and anticipated savings. To help design teams and project owners determine the most affordable ways to include energy and water-saving features in their buildings, EDGE offers software applications for new residential and commercial structures.

By entering building parameters, EDGE determines operating savings and decreased carbon emissions for a building as compared to a base scenario. As a result of the EDGE software, solutions for improved performance and efficient savings are produced. 

Local chapters and other CREDAI members are urged to use EDGE to design with resource efficiency. These efficiencies must save at least 20% more energy, water, and materials than the regional standard practises in order to be certified. IFC will educate members on green building technology and exchange best practises from around the world with CREDAI.
