
Tata Powers E-Mobility Charge With EV Programme

By Outlook Planet Desk November 30, 2023

A new programme incentivises thousands of employees to buy and use electric vehicles and contributes to clearing Delhi's foul air

Tata Powers E-Mobility Charge With EV Programme
Tata Power and its subsidiaries drive several such programmes to foster a culture of responsible environmental practises. Shutterstock

To improve air quality in Delhi NCR, Tata Power, one of India's largest power companies, launched a special programme to incentivise its employees to switch to EVs. This announcement aligns with Tata Power's 'Sustainable is Attainable' movement, which encourages adopting green energy solutions and products to commit to a Lifestyle for Environment (LiFE). 

With nearly 4000 employees working in the Delhi NCR region,  

Tata Power and its subsidiaries drive several such programmes to foster a culture of responsible environmental practises. Climate Crew is another initiative that aims to mobilise the workforce to opt for green practises.

Under the sustainable mobility programme, Tata Power encourages its employees to purchase EVs. It also offers accessible free-charging facilities at select office locations and reimburses the charging costs beyond company premises. Tata Power has partnered with EV market major Tata Motors to make popular EVs available at special prices to employees, with priority delivery post-booking and long-term and low-EMI financing covering the entire vehicle cost.

Commenting on the partnership, Himal Tewari, CHRO, Chief CSR & Sustainability, Tata Power, said, "We are encouraging our employees to embrace e-mobility and champion the cause of sustainable lifestyle by reducing individual carbon footprint. Through such initiatives.”
