
India Inc: World Environment Day

By Outlook Planet Desk June 05, 2024

The theme of this year’s World Environment Day is 'Land Restoration, Desertification and Drought Resilience'. India Inc shares their path towards meeting the slogan 'Our Land, Our Future’

India Inc: World Environment Day

Guruprakash Sastry, AVP & Regional Head – Infrastructure, Infosys 

“Climate change requires bold, decisive action by all stakeholders and at Infosys, we recognize our responsibility in being part of the solution. We aim to demonstrate and promote climate action leadership at scale and engage with stakeholders to support global efforts to preserve the planet. Our commitment focuses on three key areas of environmental responsibility – reducing carbon emissions through energy efficiency and conservation while shifting to renewable energy for operations, minimizing waste going to landfills, and water conservation. Infosys has been carbon neutral across all emissions since 2020 through focused efforts on reducing, avoiding and offsetting emissions.” 

Puneet Das, President - Packaged Beverages (India and South Asia), Tata Consumer Products 

“On this World Environment Day, Tata Tea continued to raise its voice, not just in proclamation but in enabling action to combat climate change and ensure a habitable planet for generations to come. Since 2007, Jaago Re has been more than a campaign, it's a movement, catalyzing social change across critical issues, from corruption to COVID-19 awareness. Tata Tea's commitment to leveraging its platform for social good remains unwavering, reflecting our dedication to addressing pressing issues like climate change.  The impact of this global crisis is affecting our planet and poses a serious threat to the future of our children. While we have enjoyed a childhood under open blue skies, our kid’s childhood could look very different if we don’t act now. “ 

Tejashree Joshi, Head Environmental Sustainability, Godrej & Boyce 

“Land degradation is causing unprecedented loss to the world’s ecosystems, threatening biodiversity, livelihoods of indigenous people, and exacerbating climate change. Sustainable land management initiatives, such as pond restoration and the preservation of the Vikhroli mangroves, protect biodiversity and mitigate the impacts of climate change. These efforts serve as natural buffers against erosion and drought, benefiting both the environment and local communities.” 

Gaurav Himkar, CEO , GD Goenka Group 

“The GD Goenka Group is committed to reducing its carbon footprint and combating climate change. In addition to a host of green measures for renewable energy and waste reduction, our state-of-the-art university campus boasts sewage treatment plants that treat the entire sewage, which is then used for gardening. Furthermore, the rainwater across the entire campus is systematically collected and fed back into the soil for groundwater recharge. We will continue to embrace more such measures to contribute to a greener planet and environmental sustainability.” 

Amaan R Kidwai, Area Manager Luxury Hotels (North) & General Manager ITC Maurya 

“The hospitality industry is increasingly recognizing the critical importance of adopting sustainable practices to combat climate change. 

At ITC Maurya, we are dedicated to contributing to this global effort by implementing comprehensive water recycling, rainwater harvesting, and innovative solar energy solutions. Achieving LEED Zero Water certification is a testament to our commitment to reducing our environmental impact. By focusing on sustainable operations and resource efficiency, we aim to set an example in the industry, demonstrating that it is possible to provide exceptional guest experiences while prioritizing the health of our planet.” 

Prashant Parameswaran is MD and CEO, Tata Soulfull 

“Tata Soulfull, is dedicated to promoting the benefits of millet. We believe in the power of these remarkable grains to help drive sustainable change. Aligned with the theme "Our Land, Our Future," for World Environment Day, millets represent a cornerstone in our mission to conserve water and rejuvenate our planet.

Millets are not only nutritious but also exceptionally water-efficient. Compared to other staple grains like rice and wheat, which can require up to 4,000 litres of water per kilogram, millets thrive on as little as 300-500 litres. This remarkable potential makes millet vital for ensuring food security in a changing climate. 

At Tata Soulfull, we are committed to bringing the goodness of millet to every household in the country in a contemporary form. Our products harness the natural resilience of millets, fostering mindfull and more sustainable eating habits. By choosing millets, we are making a continuous effort to protect our water resources, enhance soil health, and promote biodiversity. 

 As we look toward the future, we as a brand, envision a world where sustainable agriculture is the norm, and our land is restored and thriving. Integrating millet into our daily diets can help create a more resilient and sustainable food system.” 

Rama Mahendru, Country General Manager- India, Intrepid Travel 

"Sustainable and responsible tourism is a powerful tool to safeguard our environment. By reducing ecological impacts, promoting conservation, and honoring local cultures, travelers can help protect natural habitats and biodiversity. This World Environment Day, let's pledge to travel thoughtfully, putting the planet's well-being first, so future generations can enjoy the beauty of our world."   

Manish Dabkara, chairman and MD EKI Energy Services Ltd. 

"On this World Environment Day, EKI joins the global community in recognizing the critical role healthy land plays in our collective future. The theme, "Land restoration, desertification and drought resilience," resonates deeply with our mission to steer the world to net-zero through end-to-end climate-positive, community-based projects and nature-based solutions. 

Degraded land threatens biodiversity, food security, and the well-being of communities worldwide. We are committed to using Land restoration and combating desertification as a vital tool for climate action. This includes planting trees, supporting sustainable agriculture practices, and developing innovative solutions for land restoration. 

This World Environment Day, we call for collective action. We urge individuals, businesses, and policymakers to join us in supporting land restoration initiatives by investing in projects that restore degraded land and promote sustainable land management practices. We also encourage responsible consumption by making conscious choices and most importantly, by raising awareness about the importance of healthy land and the threats posed by desertification and drought."

Manav Subodh- Founder of 1M1B (One Million for One Billion) 

"On this Environment Day, we must go beyond talking and take a green skills pledge. What skills can be developed that can be applied to make the environment better? We need to develop local solutions and act individually at a micro level to join the fight and further our climate goals 

A lot can be accomplished if young people receive green skill training with hands-on practical training. This will create a green workforce in the next five to ten years.”  

Piyush Somani, Chairman, CMD & CEO, ESDS Software Solutions 

"World Environment Day calls for industries to embrace sustainable development, with the technology sector leading the charge. Our Vertical Scaling technology optimizes server resources, achieving around 30% energy savings by enhancing performance and efficiency, significantly reducing electricity consumption and carbon emissions. Precision measures such as air conditioning systems, power factor panels, and motion sensors have cut energy usage by 20% in our data centers. 

Our commitment extends beyond numbers; by 2027, we aim to connect billions of smart devices, support India's 'Make in India' initiative, and plant over a billion trees. Twelve years ago, we began transforming Ramshej from barren land into a flourishing paradise, now home to thousands of trees and diverse biodiversity. This self-sufficient community forest, free from harmful chemicals, exemplifies our commitment to land restoration and biodiversity conservation. 

This journey towards sustainability is not one that can be traversed alone. It requires collective action and industry-wide collaboration."   

Sumit Barat, Chief Sustainability Officer, BluPine Energy 

"On this World Environment Day, BluPine Energy stands resolute in its commitment to nurturing our planet back to health. We believe in action over rhetoric, exemplifying this through our ambitious tree-planting initiative. With 1000 trees taking root, we are not just greening the landscape, but revitalizing ecosystems to combat desertification. We will plant 1000 trees 7 states and 27 site locations such as Rajasthan, Maharashtra and Chhattisgarh. Additionally, BluPine fosters a culture of sustainability within our ranks by hosting enlightening talks by a sustainability expert from PwC and igniting creativity through the '#WasteToWonder' and '#BeASustainableHero' campaigns. Through these initiatives, we encourage our employees and colleagues to showcase actionable solutions, participate in competitions, and win prizes, demonstrating that every individual can be an agent of change.”

 Maxson Lewis, Founder & CEO, Magenta Mobility 

“Global warming is real and it is here. Many Indian cities are already facing the brunt. This is no longer a risk, it is an issue which demands the urgent need for collective efforts to mitigate its impact. Our planet's well-being and future depends on our ability to switch to sustainable and eco-friendly solutions - electric vehicles being one of them. 

While significant progress has been made, with businesses and governments recognizing electric vehicles as the future, more awareness is needed to ensure wider consumer adoption. However, consumer apprehension persists due to misinformation surrounding factors like range anxiety and charging infrastructure availability. Industry leaders, stakeholders and the government must collaborate to raise awareness, dispel myths, and showcase electric mobility's economic and environmental benefits. We must move past debates and embrace this inevitable shift wholeheartedly.” 

Abhishek Agashe, Co-founder & CEO at Elima 

“On this World Environment Day, we reflect on the transformative potential of a circular economy in creating a sustainable future. By embracing circular principles, we can significantly reduce waste and pollution, conserve natural resources, and promote economic growth. Products and materials designed for longevity, easy disassembly, and recyclability ensure that valuable resources remain in use for as long as possible. This approach not only reduces the need for extracting new raw materials but also minimizes the ecological footprint of manufacturing processes. In a world where natural resources are finite, our innovative approach focuses on maximizing the lifecycle of products. Thus central to this vision is the concept of 'above-ground' mining—recovering valuable materials from existing products. Through meticulous processes, we ensure that each product can be easily disassembled and recycled, allowing materials to be continuously repurposed.” 

Lina Nair, Chief Operating Officer, Wells Fargo India and Philippines 

“Amidst the urgent call to address climate change, Wells Fargo remains committed to advancing sustainability. We aim at conserving water and preserving ecosystems. Our initiatives in water conservation and climate action, alongside measures like zero-discharge wastewater management and embracing biodegradability, are more than just safeguarding our environment; they're about securing a better future for generations to come.” 

Ashish Dobhal, CEO of UPL SAS

“Climate change severely impacts farmlands and their productivity. Fortunately, there are many sustainable measures to conserve soil health and reverse land degradation. Through the climate-smart approach, soil fertility can be maintained while building resilience to withstand extreme weather events and droughts. Agroforestry is also an example of how farmland and forests can coexist symbiotically which helps to enrich soil and protect crops from extreme weather. There is a wide range of climate-smart products, starting from crop protection and soil health to plant stimulation and post-harvest solutions. Among them, Zeba technology is a patented sustainable, biodegradable superabsorbent product that helps in water conservation. Thus, to address land degradation, desertification, and drought resilience in Indian agriculture, holistic and collaborative approach is a must.”  

Vijender Yadav, Co-founder, MD & CTO, Accops 

“We are committed to helping businesses reduce their environmental impact. Our workspace virtualization and secure remote access solutions enable remote work, minimizing the need for large office spaces and energy consumption for their heating, cooling, lighting, etc. This reduces urban development demands, allowing more natural habitats to thrive.

Our thin client solutions consume up to 90% less electricity than traditional desktops, reducing carbon emissions and the need for land-intensive power generation. Additionally, our secure BYOD approach encourages employees to use their existing devices, reducing electronic waste. By transforming old laptops into thin clients, we extend their lifespan, ensuring fewer end up in landfills.” 

Sudheer Perla, Managing Director – Tabreed Asia & Country Manager – India, Tabreed 

"Narrow sighted focus on decarbonization or supply-side technology innovations like renewable energy adoption manipulates our perception of reality on the back of unchecked and rampant consumption-growth driven by a lopsided focus on GDP, then on reducing inequality or inculcating mindful consumption whilst significantly enhancing circularity in every aspect of what we take out and consume from the planet.

Demand-side efforts are inherently more complex and often only possible through systems thinking and non-linear approaches in planning with a greater degree of care in execution.” 

Kishan Karunakaran, CEO of Buyofuel 

"For a country like India which is blessed with abundant biofuel resources, it is imperative that we ramp up our reliance on this renewable energy source, not only to reduce carbon footprint but also to reduce our dependence on finite fossil fuels. The advantages of biofuels are manifold and far-reaching. They reduce greenhouse gas emissions, empower farmers, utilize waste efficiently, generate revenue, and create jobs.  It is thus crucial to prioritize sustainable biofuel production, and innovative and purpose-driven startups can help achieve this target. Since startups bring fresh ideas, innovation and new technologies, they can advance biofuel production to meet the demand and minimize environmental impacts of fossil fuels for a sustainable future." 

Arun Awasthy, President and Managing Director, Johnson Controls India 

"As global temperatures rise and desertification encroaches upon arable land, the imperative for sustainability has become even more alarming.

 The question that needs to be addressed today is how we can reconcile socio-economic development with environmental sustainability. 

As India's built environment continues to expand, we believe in an aggressive and collaborative approach that keeps holistic sustainability at its core. This includes the use of sustainable construction materials and efficient operation of buildings in terms of energy and natural resource consumption. The Indian green building industry is dedicated to combating desertification through the development of smart buildings that reduce the environmental footprint and promote sustainable growth. Technology plays a seminal role in this regard, enabling us to create resilient and sustainable urban environments."

HC Vinayaka, Vice President - Technical, EHS and Sustainability, ITC Hotels 

Travelers today are increasingly prioritizing planet positive experiences. The ITC Hotels team anticipated the need for conservation efforts many years back and worked tirelessly to create the World’s first and largest chain with maximum number of LEED Platinum Certified properties. Committed to Sustainability, ITC Hotels currently has 23 LEED Platinum hotels and are also the first 12 hotels in the world to receive LEED Zero Carbon Certification and the first 4 hotels in the world to be LEED Zero Water Certified. 

We continue to create world-class luxury experiences in harmony with the environment and society. ITC Hotels has pioneered many sustainable initiatives such as energy efficient green buildings, harnessing renewable energy, recycling and reusing water, recycling solid waste, sourcing more than 50% of its produce locally, mitigating Single Use Plastic and introducing water in glass bottles with brand ‘SunyaAqua’ or ‘Zero Mile’ water. 

Our international foray, ITC Ratnadipa, Colombo designed with globally benchmarked environmental dimensions endorsing a climate smart approach has already received the LEED Platinum Certification. From the inception of the project, construction and operations, sustainability has been at the core of ITC Ratnadipa’s ethos.

ITC Hotels have surpassed 2030 sectoral emission targets set as per COP 21 consecutively for 3rd Year (UN Climate Change, Paris agreement) 

Rahul Uppal, Director at Echor Hotels Pvt. Ltd (formerly known as Echor Hotels & Resorts) 

Echor Hotels is dedicated to implementing sustainable practices to address environmental concerns. Our initiatives include reducing single-use plastic consumption, minimizing waste through recycling, and responsibly sourcing materials. 

"At Echor, sustainability isn't just a goal; it's our guiding principle. We believe in creating value while preserving the planet for future generations." 

"One of our standout properties in Kasauli, Himachal Pradesh, exemplifies our commitment to sustainability. This property, designed with a village theme, aims to preserve and showcase the sanctity of village life. We have eliminated the use of single-use plastic, opting for aluminum cans instead of plastic bottles for water. The cottages are constructed entirely from mud, with no cement or concrete used, and even our toothbrushes are made from bamboo sticks. This approach not only reduces our environmental footprint but also enhances the authentic experience for our guests." 

UFlex Films International Anantshree Chaturvedi, Vice Chairman and CEO, 

"Protecting the environment requires a united effort that we all understand and comprehend. The challenge of 'Planet vs Plastics' is a call to action for all of us. The truth is only the planet will survive. Plastic will either be there as a benefit or a menace. UFlex is hoping and working toward the former.  Environmental protection and economic growth are not in conflict; they drive growth, innovation and wealth creation and distribution. The greatest economic opportunity of the twenty-first century lies in green technology, and private enterprises must take the lead in making this change for future generations. 

Virender Razdan, GM, The Leela Bhartiya City’s Response 

Sustainability is crucial in today's Times. The increase in industrial by-products necessitates mindful practices to enhance reuse and recycling of non-biodegradable products. Industries must focus on reducing waste across all sectors, from plastics to water and food consumption. Adopting sustainable practices, such as recycling plastics, using reusable and biodegradable products, is essential. With the rise of staycations, it's imperative to implement services that promote long-term environmental sustainability. By prioritizing these efforts, industries can significantly contribute to a healthier planet and more efficient resource usage. 

Ankur Aggarwal, Managing Director, Crystal Crop Protection Limited 

"In celebration of World Environment Day, we at Crystal Crop Protection Limited reaffirm our commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship. By 2027, we aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20% per metric ton of production at our technical and formulation plants. We are transitioning from coal to biomass products like briquets for our energy needs, recycling water and plastic, and adopting green energy in our manufacturing processes. Through our GreenAg initiative, we focus on nutrition and soil management to enhance crop production with integrated pest management and natural nutrition, preserving soil health. These efforts reflect our dedication to minimizing carbon footprints and actively supporting global climate initiatives." 

Navin Jaju, CEO, Vedanta Sesa Goa 

Vedanta Sesa Goa has a deep commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainable development. The Sanquelim Mine Reclamation programme has helped restore and enhance the biodiversity of the region, attracting a rich array of flora and fauna by selectively cutting mature Acacia plants and planting native species from the Western Ghats. 

The vision extended beyond restoration; and helped transform the area into a vibrant ecotourism destination. Projects like the Butterfly Park, Aromatic Garden, Bamboo & Rattan Arboretum, and the Bamboo Pavilion today offer unique experiences and serve as centers for environmental and social programs. Additionally, the Bird Watching Center was also created to provide enthusiasts with the opportunity to observe and appreciate the local avian species. 

In collaboration with the National Institute of Oceanography, exhausted mine pit at Sanquelim has been transformed into thriving Pisciculture pond, promoting the cultivation of Rahu, Mrigal, and Carp. This initiative supports local consumption and demonstrates the multifaceted value that can be derived from rehabilitated mining areas. The Sanquelim mine project is an example of how exhausted mines, when planned thoughtfully, can be transformed into ecotourism spots, setting a benchmark for sustainable post-mining land use reiterating Vedanta Sesa Goa’s dedication to creating a positive environmental and social impact, making a lasting difference in the community.

Sanjay Dutt, MD & CEO, TATA Realty &Infrastructure Ltd. 

“Tata Realty & Infrastructure Limited recognizes the significance of World Environment Day and its role in promoting environmental conservation and land restoration. Through sustainable practices across the property lifecycle, from design to end-of-life, the industry can significantly reduce its environmental footprint. The shift towards eco-efficiency initiatives, such as sustainable building materials and energy-efficient systems, demonstrates the commitment to preserving biodiversity. 

It is essential that as developers, we continue to innovate and collaborate, ensuring that our built environment not only supports but also enhances the natural world, for the benefit of future generations. For instance, we, at Intellion Square, Mumbai, have implemented organic farming and established gardens to support local wildlife and enhance biodiversity. Additionally, Tata Realty & Infrastructure Ltd. has collaborated with the Environmentalist Foundation of India to restore ecosystems like the Vanna Eri Lake in Chennai, promoting groundwater recharge and environmental sustainability. Together, these efforts can make a significant impact in preserving our planet's natural heritage.” 

K.T. Jithendran, MD & CEO, Birla Estates 

“Birla Estates prioritizes sustainable building practices in every aspect of our developments, year-round. We promote extensive implementation of eco-friendly building strategies, from a project's inception to its completion. From double-glazed façades to efficient water management systems, we focus on incorporating native flora in landscape designs and integrating water-efficient irrigation techniques.” 

Avishek Gupta, MD & CEO, Caspian Debt 

Last week, Kerala and Assam experienced floods due to extremely heavy rainfall, while North India reported deaths from heatwaves. These extreme weather events underscore the urgency of addressing both short-term and long-term challenges. In the short term, enhancing resilience to such conditions is crucial to minimize physical and financial impacts. In the long term, developing solutions that reduce per capita emissions from production and activities is essential to mitigate further climate damage while supporting the growth needs of developing economies. 

Start-ups are actively contributing to both areas of the solution. Some companies focus on tracking and sharing weather event data with insurance firms to design payouts for income losses caused by these events. Other start-ups are creating energy-efficient food supply chains, buildings, and electrical equipment. Additionally, there is a critical need to reduce reliance on fossil fuels for electricity generation. Supported by government policies, numerous start-ups are helping commercial and industrial entities transition to solar power at the same time, there are startups that are developing low-cost solar powered versions of equipment that were earlier run-on grid electricity. Funding and scaling up all these innovations is imperative. 

Rajeev Ranjan, Managing Director, McDonald’s India - North and East 

Sustainability is central to McDonald’s in fostering robust and resilient food systems. Whether it is using sustainably sourced ingredients for our products and packaging material, or reducing carbon footprint using renewable energy at our restaurants, conserving water across the value chain, repurposing used cooking oil, we have and will always remain deeply committed to and invested in sustainable earth intention.” 

Rohit Bhagwat, office managing principal and global ESG committee member, ZS 

“Our efforts aim to restore ecological balance, protect biodiversity, and manage land and water resources effectively. To increase urban green cover, ZS has partnered with Green Yatra Trust, one of the leading environmental NGOs in India. ZS has planted 25,000 saplings in 2023 using the Miyawaki technique. This method helps to grow forests 10 times faster, 30 times denser and 100 times more biodiverse compared to a monoculture plantation. We are also restoring water sources, protecting endangered species and rejuvenating the landscape with support for a six-acre biodiversity park in the heart of Pune. We firmly believe that uniting industry and innovative approaches will cultivate sustainable practices that preserve resources, effect nature restoration and improve the quality of life for all.” 

“At ZS, we are deeply committed to contributing as stewards of environmental protection. Our efforts aim to restore ecological balance, protect biodiversity, and manage land and water resources effectively. To increase urban green cover, ZS has partnered with Green Yatra Trust, one of the leading environmental NGOs in India. ZS has planted 25,000 saplings in 2023 using the Miyawaki technique. This method helps to grow forests 10 times faster, 30 times denser and 100 times more biodiverse compared to a monoculture plantation.” 

Smita Jatia, Vice Chairperson, Westlife Foodworld 

“We are committed to a lower carbon footprint, achieved through increased recycling and reuse of materials, use of renewable energy, and reduced consumption. We recognise the critical role that businesses must play in addressing climate change and we are proud to walk the talk. With each step, we are becoming stronger in our fight against climate change. We look forward to continuing our efforts towards a greener future and to serving our customers with delicious and sustainable food.” 

Rohit Jetly, Head Of Platform Delivery - Global Platform Solutions; And Country Head India, Fidelity International 

“We incorporate sustainability into our business operations and our investment process. We do this for and together with all our stakeholders, including our customers, employees, suppliers, investee companies, regulators and policy makers and the communities in which we operate. We take responsibility for our impact on society as a whole and the environment. 

Our Environmental Sustainability framework is designed to ensure pollution prevention, carbon reduction, waste minimisation, responsible use of resources and compliance with legislation through good practice and continuous improvement. We are committed to achieve net zero emissions by 2040 for Fidelity International’s operational emissions, including all scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions we have direct control of. Our focus will be on reduction of emissions through operational changes and investment in operational efficiencies, on-site renewals and purchasing of renewable energy whilst offsetting those we are unable to eradicate. We are also signatories of Climate Action 100+, a supporter of the Taskforce on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD), members of the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC), the Carbon Disclosure Project, and a partner of the Climate Bond Initiative.” 

Shilpashree Muniswamappa, Director - ESG & Communications, Colgate-Palmolive India 

“At Colgate-Palmolive India, we are committed to sustainable water practices through our comprehensive water augmentation programs in our communities and manufacturing sites. Notably, three of our plants have achieved water neutrality, exemplifying our dedication to responsible water stewardship. Since 2017, we have impacted 100+ villages in Rajasthan & Maharashtra thereby aiding 100,000+ beneficiaries and replenishing over 400 million liters of water till date contributing to broader goals of water security and sustainable development.” 

Shailendra Singh Rao, Founder, Creduce 

For India, the battle against climate change is contingent upon the implementation of adaptation and mitigation strategies. Adaptation is essential due to the fact that millions of individuals are dependent on agriculture, which is susceptible to an unpredictable monsoon. Improved water management, drought-resistant crops, and early warning systems are essential. 

Emissions are tackled through mitigation. India, a developing economy, requires sustainable energy solutions. Stricter regulations on industries and sustainable practices, in conjunction with investments in solar, wind, and biofuels, can substantially diminish the carbon footprint. 

In addition, international collaboration and public awareness are essential. By focusing on both adaptation and mitigation, India can establish resilience and strive for a more sustainable future. As Indians, we should embrace renewable energy (solar!), support sustainable farming, and push for stricter pollution controls. Every bit helps!

Pranav Dangi, Founder, The Hosteller 

Tourism has a substantial impact on the environment and is a major engine of worldwide economic growth. According to studies, India's tourism industry has a carbon footprint that is four times larger than previously thought, placing it fourth in the world behind the United States, China, and Germany. Tourism-related travel, accommodation, and activities account for 8 percent of the world's greenhouse gas emissions. Natural environments are harmed by resource misuse, waste, and water consumption that results from it. Although tourism has increased since the pandemic, particularly within India, its environmental effect has not decreased. Low-carbon transportation, AI-powered trip planning, and energy-efficient infrastructure are examples of sustainable practices that might lessen this impact and advance social and economic advantages on a worldwide scale. 

Rohan Shravan, Founder and CEO of TresaMotors 

As fuel costs continue to rise, the adoption of medium and heavy electric trucks is poised to increase, making our vehicles an economically viable and environmentally responsible choice for businesses. By combining local manufacturing and technological innovation, Tresa Motors is committed to delivering cost savings while significantly reducing carbon emissions, aligning with the goals of World Environment Day and paving the way for a greener, healthier future for all. 

Santosh Shidhaye, Head ESG, Ecofy 

At Ecofy, our mission is to create long-term, reliable shareholder value through our business model but not as the primary objective. In the complex and uncertain environment, we operate in—with evolving government policies, asset valuation uncertainties, and competitors all claiming to be green—resilience is key. We are committed to nurturing this resilience within our organization and in our clients to combat the impacts of global warming. 

On this World Environment Day, we pledge to continue our efforts towards a sustainable and resilient future.”

Keith Menon, Sustainable Architect and Co-founder of Spiro Spero 

“World Environment Day reminds us to build responsibly. At Spiro Spero, sustainability is our priority. As a policy, we do not take on projects that require any level of deforestation. We build around nature. We do not dispose of old tiles, metal, etc. that is discarded from sites. Most of our waste is recycled and upcycled for social welfare projects. Whether it's building shelters for animals or digging out lakes for villages, we work closely with groups who value nature as much as us and are working tirelessly to revive, restore, and rejuvenate nature. 

Our focus on eco-materials and smart tech reduces waste. The increase in green-certified buildings shows we're moving towards sustainability. Architects are revisiting traditional techniques like mud and bamboo for natural cooling. By blending old methods with new innovations like renewable energy, we're enhancing our designs. ”

Mahesh Anand, President, Nippon Paint India (Decorative Division) 

“Our sustainability initiatives have reduced factory waste by 30 percent, CO2 emissions by 45 percent, and water usage by 60 percent, supporting local ecosystems and combating climate change through tree planting and rainwater harvesting. 

The future of sustainability in our industry includes integrating circular economy principles, advancing green technologies, and fostering collaborations. At Nippon Paint, environmental protection is a continuous commitment, and we invite our partners and customers to join us in making a significant difference.”
