
Smart Buses Are The Future Of Efficient, Accessible, And Eco-Friendly Transportation

By Manish Rathi May 25, 2024

The future of transportation is brimming with ground-breaking possibilities, with electric vehicles and vacuum-tube technology fast becoming realities

Smart Buses Are The Future Of Efficient, Accessible, And Eco-Friendly Transportation

In the realm of modern travel, a silent revolution is underway, reshaping the way we move from point A to point B. This transformation isn't just about getting from place to place; it's about reimagining transportation as a shared experience that benefits both individuals and communities alike. Shared mobility, fueled by technological innovations, is at the heart of this movement, offering a holistic solution that transcends mere transportation.

At the forefront of shared mobility stands the humble bus, a symbol of collective transportation that brings people together while reducing the environmental impact of individual journeys. In the landscape of travel options, buses emerge as the pocket-friendly champions, offering an economical alternative in an era of soaring transportation costs. While flights cost 7 to 8 Rs/km and maintaining a car can cost up to 15 Rs/km, trains and buses provide a budget-friendly ride at nearly 2 Rs/km. This stark difference in cost not only makes both trains and buses an appealing choice for budget-conscious travellers but also ensures travel accessibility for all.

Despite trains' historical popularity, recent trends suggest a shift in consumer behaviour. Train travel often comes with berth availability issues, which is particularly challenging for spontaneous trips. This limitation poses a significant inconvenience for those travelling for business, education, or urgent medical needs, where flexibility is paramount. 

Moreover, as concerns about climate change mount and urban populations swell, the demand for transportation solutions that mitigate environmental impact while meeting the needs of affordability and accessibility has never been more pressing. In such a scenario, shared mobility, bolstered by technological innovations, emerges as a compelling solution, combining within itself greater convenience, efficiency, affordability, and sustainability. With its innate transformative ability to cater to the needs of people, planet, and profits, shared mobility holds the promise of a holistic solution that transcends mere transportation. Here’s a look at how shared mobility holds the key to unlocking a triple win for society, creating a more sustainable future for people, planet, and businesses alike.

Enhancing Accessibility and Safety: Shared mobility services, like branded and smart buses, have the potential to not only democratise transportation and make it more accessible to all, but also to make travel safer, especially for solo female travellers. Real-time tracking and advanced safety features, like security cameras and emergency buttons, provide peace of mind, instilling confidence in passengers. Easy booking and payment options, along with designated pick-up and drop-off zones, ensure a smooth and stress-free journey for all.

India's Advancement in Transportation: India has witnessed remarkable advancements in infrastructure, particularly in the construction of high-quality roads that significantly reduce travel time and enhance comfort. The improvement in bus travel is equally noteworthy, with journeys spanning nearly 1000 km becoming increasingly common across the country. Unlike trains and aeroplanes, buses now offer a competitive edge due to their implementation of smart routing systems, even within cities where public transport infrastructure has historically faced challenges. Additionally, buses have begun providing near-home pickup facilities, contributing to the alleviation of traffic congestion in urban areas while enhancing passenger safety and comfort.

Fortifying Safety: Besides measures like real-time monitoring, emergency response systems, and thorough driver vetting for these shared mobility services, advanced technologies like live bus tracking, collision avoidance systems, and onboard surveillance contribute further to a secure journey for all passengers. Additionally, integration with smart traffic management systems and GPS tracking enables precise route planning and navigation, reducing the likelihood of accidents and ensuring smooth, secure journeys for passengers. These measures not only prioritise passenger safety but also underscore the commitment of shared mobility providers to delivering reliable and secure transportation experiences.

Efficiency of Bus Travel:Among shared mobility options, bus travel stands out as a champion of efficiency. Unlike trains and flights, or even ride-sharing cabs, buses offer a direct route to destinations, eliminating the hassle of layovers and transfers. This not only saves time but also enhances the overall travel experience, making it more seamless and convenient for passengers. Branded buses, equipped with spacious seating, onboard facilities, and easy boarding processes, rival or even surpass the comfort and convenience offered by trains or flights, making them a preferred choice for discerning travellers.

Comparative Advantage:When it comes to cost-saving, environmental impact, and last-mile connectivity, smart bus travel emerges as a clear winner.  Branded smart buses now offer spacious, comfortable seating with ample legroom, onboard Wi-Fi and charging ports for a personalised touch, and climate control to keep you feeling fresh. Also, boarding a smart bus is a breeze, with designated areas and low-floor designs making it easy for everyone, especially those with luggage or mobility limitations.

This comfort extends beyond the physical, with digital connectivity allowing real-time tracking and data-driven routing helping to avoid traffic congestion, leading to less stressful journeys. Forget fumbling for change. Cashless payment systems make buying tickets quick and convenient.

Given their digital potential and ability to provide last-mile connectivity, new age mobility solutions can also leverage technology to bridge the last-mile connectivity gap. Unlike traditional, unreliable buses that often bypass overlooked areas, smart buses can also provide expanded access for residents. These include reliable transportation to essential services like healthcare, education, and employment opportunities that were previously out of reach. By providing a dependable option, smart buses break down geographical and demographic barriers, empowering individuals regardless of location and fostering social equity.

Undoubtedly, the future of transportation is brimming with ground-breaking possibilities, with electric vehicles and vacuum-tube technology fast becoming realities. These revolutionary advancements present a golden opportunity for cities to craft proactive, integrated mobility plans that not only leverage these advancements but also prioritise environmental sustainability. For shared mobility to succeed, forward-thinking policy and infrastructure development are crucial. Regions that embrace this holistic approach will be best positioned to create a future where transportation is clean, efficient, and accessible for all.

(Manish Rath is the CEO and Co-founder of IntrCity SmartBus.)
