
'We Are Always On Call, Be It Day Or Night'

Here’s a story of three Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHA workers)of Uttar Pradesh who defied the pandemic to help women in need

By Mandira Kalra Kalaan 16/03/2021

Empowering Women In Family Planning Helps Mother and Child

Gender Inequality denies Indian women reproductive choices, which is linked to maternal and children’s mortality and health and nutrition outcomes.

By Payal Seth 08/03/2021

How Family Planning Empowers Women, And Helps Fight Malnutrition  

Apart from checking teenage pregnancies and deaths, family planning also lowers death rate for children, wasting and stunting.

By Dr. Amir Maroof Khan 15/02/2021

Lockdown Effect: Spike In Unplanned Babies, Abortions

Lack of access to contraceptives and family planning services during the COVID-19 induced lockdowns led to an alarming rise in the pregnancy rate across the nation, which in turn led to numerous abortions.

By Lola Nayar 11/08/2020

Linkages Between Family Planning and Nutrition

Integration of family planning and reproductive health services in nutrition programming, an important intervention, is often overlooked. There is a need for strong advocacy for empowering women through such programmes.

By Dr. Sujeet Ranjan 14/03/2020