
G20 Sherpa Amitabh Kant Awarded ENTICE Innovators At The Energy Transition Dialogues Hosted By Global Energy Alliance For People And Planet (GEAPP)

“Faster energy transition will happen in the wake of global market uncertainty.” Hardeep Singh Puri, Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Government of India

By PTI 03/11/2023

Rajasthan Marks Record Low Fossil Fuel Share In Power Generation For 4 Months

Solar and wind power generation experienced substantial growth, recording a 28 per cent year-on-year increase and generating a total of 27 TWh during the same period in 2023

By PTI 19/09/2023

G20 Leaders Endorse Goa Roadmap For Tourism 

The roadmap outlined the challenges, objectives, opportunities, and recommendations for tourism sector to achieve sustainable development goals

By PTI 11/09/2023

UK PM Commits $2 Billion To Green Climate Fund  

Alongside this uplift in the UK’s contribution to the GCF, the UK government said it will continue to stress the importance of the GCF delivering results with even greater speed, demonstrating value for money in all of its activities

By PTI 11/09/2023

G20 Declaration Powerful Call For World Prosperity: Amitabh Kant

The New Delhi Leaders Declaration focuses on strong, sustainable, balanced, and inclusive growth; accelerating progress on SDGs; green development pact for a sustainable future, amongst other issues, added India's G20 Sherpa

By PTI 09/09/2023

European Commission Urges G20 To Set Ambitious Climate Targets 

Mobilise additional resources for climate finance through a broader adoption of carbon pricing and carbon markets, said European Commission president Ursula Von Der Leyen

By PTI 09/09/2023

G20 Leaders Call For Sustainable Growth, Addressing Climate Challenge

There is need to reach COP 30, in 2025, with a climate agenda balanced between mitigation, adaptation, loss and damage and financing, ensuring the sustainability of the planet and the dignity of people," said Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva

By PTI 09/09/2023

Corporate Captains Use G20 Opportunity To Bat For Streamlining ESG 

B20 has recommended adoption of universally adaptable ESG standards and disclosures; creation of ESG implementation pathways to accelerate adoption of responsible and sustainable process; augmentation of ESG governance; and attention to business resilience...

By Outlook Planet Desk 09/09/2023

Biofuel Alliance Can Generate An Opportunity Worth $ 500 Billion: Indian Biogas Association

The transfer of machinery and equipment within G20 partners must be made easy for the success of the biofuel alliance. This will help G20 nations reduce their dependence on fossil fuels

By Gaurav Kedia 08/09/2023

India's Per Capita Emissions Up By 29 Per Cent In 7 Years: Report

India's plans to ramp up renewable energy seem to align well with the COP28 president's call for tripling renewables by 2030, says a new report

By PTI 06/09/2023