
Nutrition For HIV-Positive People Needs More Attention

Even as prevention, care, treatment and mitigation remain crucial responses to HIV/AIDS, the importance of food can't be undermined in tackling the condition

By Dr. Deepak Gupta 14/02/2023

Needed Better Nutrition Strategies To Control TB

After HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis (TB) is the second-most common cause of death. Goal 3 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN calls for the eradication of the disease by 2030

By Dr. Deepak Gupta 19/01/2023

Special foods have potential to bridge nutrition gaps in HIV infected

Therapeutic food manufacturers have proposed a potent way to equip HIV infected people in managing infection and its ill effects.

By Akshat Khandelwal 30/03/2021

World AIDS Day: 10 Facts Everyone Should Know

The AIDS virus was discovered on April 23 in 1984.

By Outlook Planet Desk 01/12/2020

Outlook Poshan Knowledge Partner, Basanta Kumar Kar, Receives The Prestigious Nutrition Leadership Award 2019

Here is a story on the work he has been doing in his own words…

By By Team Poshan with Basanta Kumar Kar 06/11/2019

Memories Of A Dream Come True

A development worker pays tribute to the women of Chhattisgarh, who fulfilled his dream of turning ‘Change Agents’ into ‘Change Leaders’ by fighting malnutrition electorally

By Basanta Kumar Kar 01/10/2019