
The Key Is To Ensure SDGs Are Financed On Reasonable Terms: Jeffrey Sachs 

The reform of the international global financial architecture is one of the highest issues on the G20 agenda since many of the low-income and lower-middle-income countries lack adequate access to low-cost, long-term financing to achieve SDGs

By Rajiv Tikoo 24/02/2023

Nobel prize: why climate modellers deserved the physics award – they’ve been proved right again and again

A climate model is a computer program designed to simulate Earth’s climate in order to understand and predict its behaviour.

By Outlook Planet Desk 14/10/2021

UN World Food Programme Awarded 2020 Nobel Peace Prize

The Rome-based organisation provided assistance to almost 100 million people in 88 countries around the world last year.

By Associated Press (AP) 09/10/2020

Saptaparni Moment: Extended Festivity At Kolkata Apartment Over Economics Nobel

With the 2019 Nobel Prize in Economics going to a trio of economists, Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo and Michael Kremer, who have spent their life analysing global poverty, hunger and malnutrition, the problem of a billion hungry people—one-third being...

By Damayanti Datta 16/10/2019