
Improving Sanitation Indicators Can Lead To Better Nutrition Outcomes

Cross sectoral collaboration by establishing common platforms for knowledge sharing, including nutritional targets in water, sanitation and hygiene goals and vice versa, can help ensure sustainable solutions.

By Natasha Patel 06/05/2022

Promoting Nutritious Diets With Scientific Data Leads To Better Uptake

Provision of adequate and nutritious diets would serve its purpose better if popularised among intended beneficiaries through credible communication, particularly during health emergencies

By Swadeep Srivastava 02/05/2022

Nutrition And WASH Go Hand In Hand

Safe water, sustainable sanitation and good hygiene practices are the keys to the scaling-up nutrition among the vulnerable population groups in India

By Neeraj Jain 26/04/2022

Facing Nutrition Conundrum In Changing Climate

Shorter, local and climate-smart food supply chains are more likely to respond to local needs and empower the most vulnerable.

By Meena Sehgal 20/04/2022

Fixing Triple Challenges Of Health, Nutrition And Climate Change

Adequate nutrition through the diversification of the food systems is vital for promoting health of people and the planet

By Bishow Parajuli 19/04/2022

More women leaders needed to address India’s nutrition challenges

Women's leaders at the centre and the top are key to cradle a healthy future for India as they have a trickle-down effect in breaking the vicious cycle of malnutrition at grassroots

By Shagun Sabarwal 15/04/2022

A synergistic approach is key to achieve better nutrition outcomes

Nutrition sensitive interventions coupled with community participation can lead to transformational improvement in indicators

By Nikhil Raj & Roopashree Shanker 18/04/2022

Focus On Tribal Children’s Nutrition Key To A Healthy India

This World Health Day, India is reminded that it can accelerate its development journey by combating undernutrition in tribal children using a whole-system and whole-community approach

By Dr Swati Piramal 07/04/2022

Improving Quality Of Nutrition Services The Way To Suposhit Bharat

Enhancement of the quality of nutrition services and strengthening of the community’s role in delivering them is the call this World Health Day

By Dr. Sebanti Ghosh 07/04/2022

Communication Is Key In Making Nutrition Reach The Vulnerable

Strategic communication will enable people to make informed choices and improve nutrition outcomes, health indicators and their quality of life

By Dr. Deepak Gupta 11/04/2022