
Carbon Capture Set To Get A Big Boost

Viability gap funding (VGF), carbon credit, or subsidies may be introduced, among other options, to support and facilitate Carbon Capture, Utilisation, and Storage (CCUS), that has a $10-billion potential

By Outlook Planet Desk 09/02/2024

Reduction In Subsidies Results In Falling Demand For Electric Two Wheelers

Apart from the subsidies available under the FAME scheme, various state governments also introduced their own incentives such as a subsidy amount per Kwh of battery capacity, and discounts or complete exemption on payment of road tax 

By PTI 18/08/2023

Subsidy Reduction To Impact EV Adoption

The Heavy Industries Ministry has notified changes for reducing subsidy provided under FAME-II (Faster Adoption of Manufacturing of Electric Vehicles in India) scheme   

By PTI 23/05/2023