
Five Actions For G7 To Drive Progress To Sustainable Agrifood Systems: QU Dongyu, FAO

The five key actions relate to the roles of markets, assistance, agrifood systems, the private sector and science and innovation, elaborated QU Dongyu, Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization, in his addresses at the G7 meeting of...

By Outlook Planet Desk 23/04/2023

UN Food Systems Summit: Leaders Commit To Tackling Global Hunger

The event adopted a comprehensive approach towards agri-food systems transformation to fight poverty and hunger, reduce inequalities, preserve environment

By Outlook Planet Desk 25/09/2021

Small Farmers Need Decent Wages: IFAD To World Leaders

A recent study of crops sourced from small farms in developing countries says only 6.5% of the supermarket price is paid to farmer. Traders, food manufacturers and retailers take the lion's share

By Outlook Planet Desk 24/09/2021