
Our Mission Is Not Just About Transportation; It’s About Empowerment

By Saurabh Kumar February 15, 2024

As CEO of PMI Electro Mobility Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Aanchal Jain brings a new perspective to the EV industry. She is an alumnus of Northwestern University and LSE, a visiting scholar at Harvard University and faculty at the University of California. Excerpts from an interview with Saurabh Kumar

Our Mission Is Not Just About Transportation; It’s About Empowerment
Dr. Aanchal Jain is CEO, PMI Electro Mobility Solutions Pvt Ltd.

How are you redefining the automotive landscape? 

We embarked on our journey seven years ago with a vision to contribute to the country’s green public mobility initiatives. As a true electric bus (eBus) manufacturer, we transitioned from traditional bus manufacturing to electric buses. With approximately 1,300 eBuses already traversing the nation’s roads, PMI is at the forefront of this transformation.

As the demand for eco-friendly transportation continues to surge, we are actively responding by expanding our fleet, with an order book of about 3,000 eBuses. In Himachal Pradesh, a remarkable shift is underway as people eagerly await the arrival of PMI’s electric buses, favouring them over traditional ICE-engine buses.

This transition signifies a growing recognition of the benefits of electric transportation, particularly in regions like Himachal Pradesh with their picturesque landscapes and environmental concerns.

What sets PMI’s e-buses apart is not just their eco-friendly nature but also their remarkable comfort. With spacious interiors, ergonomic seating, and smooth rides, passengers experience unparalleled comfort during their journeys through the winding mountain roads of Himachal. This blend of sustainability and comfort makes PMI e-buses the preferred choice for commuters seeking both convenience and environmental responsibility.

What are your focus areas for sustainability? 

We are aligned with our three pillars of sustainability: Focus on Net Zero: Our fleet of 1,300 eBuses operates across 28 cities in India, collectively covering 125 million green Km, which translates into a reduction of 3 lakh tonnes of CO2 emissions.

Diversity and Inclusivity: We are expanding our operations by adding another assembly line to our existing all-women battery plant, demonstrating our dedication to fostering diversity and gender equality within our organisation. Access for All: By operating in tier 1 to tier 4 towns, our eBuses play a vital role in stimulating economic growth, fostering a sense of belonging, and improving the overall quality of life.

How do you see the future of e-mobility in India and your role in it? 

The future of e-mobility in India is poised for remarkable growth and innovation. The government’s proactive measures to promote the industry, including initiatives like the PM eBus Sewa, which aims to introduce 10,000 eBuses across the nation, serve as a significant catalyst for industry-wide advancement. Further, there is news about the plan to adopt 8 lakh eBuses by 2030.

The vision to enhance intra-city operations resonates deeply with our commitment to serve communities nationwide. Our mission is not just about transportation; it’s about empowerment, connectivity, and opportunity for every individual. With unwavering dedication, we harness our expertise and resources to create a more sustainable and inclusive future, where every journey represents a step towards progress and well-being for all.
