
Infosys Releases Its ESG report 

By Outlook Planet Desk June 09, 2023

The report summarises the developments since the company's ESG Vision 2030 was first presented

Infosys Releases Its ESG report 
The ESG standards convey how an enterprise makes financial gains while adhering to the environmental and social norms of sustainability. DepositPhotos

Infosys has achieved carbon neutrality for Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions with regard to climate change. The IT major lowered absolute Scope 3 emissions by 50.15% over the 2020 baseline and Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 49.92% over the BAU scenario. These discoveries were emphasised in the ESG Report 2022–23 that Infosys released today.

The report summarises the developments since the company's ESG Vision 2030 was first presented. The paper explores the measurable impact that Infosys has been making by creating an ecosystem of opportunities for people, businesses, and communities to thrive and expand ethically. It also gives information on the evolution of the company's ESG commitments.

In its ESG report, Infosys has revealed that it has 400 deep injection wells across its campuses in India, providing a combined recharge capacity of around 20 million liters, 39 lakes spread across its campuses, hold 426 million liters of rainwater storage capacity; and 57.90% of the electricity for its India operations comes from renewable sources. 

On its campuses, Infosys recycles all effluent to a complete 100 percent. For its owned campuses in Bengaluru, Chennai, and Pune, Infosys says that it started a quest to obtain TRUE ZERO WASTE Certification by GBCI in fiscal 2023. 

The report, which addresses the growing concerns and expectations of the company's worldwide stakeholders across the aspects of environmental, social, and governance, serves as the foundation for Infosys' Communication on Progress (CoP) with the UN worldwide Compact (UNGC) each year. 

“It (ESG) is that powerful potential to continue to support the 2,40,000+ rural families who benefit from our carbon offset programs. To do all we can to harness tech for good. To energize platforms to nurture inclusion and belonging among our diverse employees, facilitate employee wellness and experience. With 1,35,355 women making 39.4% of the workforce, we are making steady progress toward our goal of 45% women in the organization by 2030. We launched an exclusive learning channel for our suppliers too, this year. It drives ESG learning and best practices while providing learners an opportunity to discuss, ideate and engage on ESG topics. It’s part of our overall effort to build responsible supply chains. It’s the opportunity for us to amplify human potential and create the next opportunity for people, businesses and communities,” Nilanjan Roy, Chief Financial Officer, Infosys in the report.
