
Transforming Millets Into A Rice Lookalike

By Outlook Planet Desk November 21, 2023

Breaking ground in nutrition, ICAR-IIMR pioneers an innovative method to make millets resemble rice, offering a wholesome alternative for health-conscious individuals

Transforming Millets Into A Rice Lookalike
ICAR-IIMR's commitment to advancing research in the realm of millets demonstrates a proactive approach to evolving dietary patterns, offering solutions that bridge the gap between nutritional awareness and dietary choices. Shutterstock

For those who appreciate the health benefits of millets but find it challenging to part with the familiarity of rice, the Indian Institute of Millet Research (ICAR-IIMR) brings an innovative breakthrough. Researchers at ICAR-IIMR have successfully devised a pioneering process and accompanying technologies that transform millets into a visually similar form to rice.

In a bid to revolutionise dietary habits without resorting to genetic modification, the ICAR-IIMR team has unveiled a game-changing approach. This development caters to the segment of individuals who understand the nutritional advantages of millet yet hesitate to break away from the rice-centric culinary routine.

The method devised by ICAR-IIMR involves a meticulous process that retains the inherent goodness of millets while presenting them with a rice-like appearance. This breakthrough not only opens avenues for diversifying diets but also addresses the dietary preferences of those who wish to embrace the health benefits of millet without compromising on the visual aesthetics of their meals.

This unveiling comes as a promising solution for health-conscious individuals looking to enhance their nutritional intake without a drastic shift in their dietary habits. The innovation aligns with the broader goal of promoting millet as a sustainable and nutritious alternative to conventional grains.

ICAR-IIMR's commitment to advancing research in the realm of millets demonstrates a proactive approach to evolving dietary patterns, offering solutions that bridge the gap between nutritional awareness and dietary choices. As millets gain recognition for their numerous health benefits, this ground-breaking development ensures a seamless integration of these nutritional powerhouses into everyday diets, furthering the mission of promoting healthier living.
