
Building Assets And Supporting Environment Through Carbon Credits

By Koushik Sur November 01, 2023

Diversifying investment portfolios to encompass green economy initiatives and carbon credits is emblematic of a broader shift towards environmentally responsible investing

Building Assets And Supporting Environment Through Carbon Credits
The future of carbon credit investment platforms lies in allowing individuals to invest in carbon credits via fractional ownership. Shutterstock

In an era where Indian investors are actively seeking diverse investment opportunities, there's a notable shift towards embracing investments that offer dual returns—not only in terms of financial assets but also in support of environmental sustainability, primarily through carbon credits. Traditionally, Indian investors have explored avenues like equity, mutual funds, futures and options (F&O), intraday trading, and cryptocurrencies. However, the prospect of investing with a dual purpose, one that aids in building assets and contributes to environmental well-being, is steadily gaining momentum.

India's financial landscape has witnessed significant evolution in recent years, with investors increasingly inclined towards making socially responsible investments. As environmental concerns grow and sustainability takes centre stage in public consciousness, diversifying investment portfolios to encompass green economy initiatives and carbon credits is emblematic of a broader shift towards environmentally responsible investing.

Presently, India has a voluntary carbon market, which primarily involves businesses engaging in buying and selling carbon credits. However, there is a compelling need to democratise this investment opportunity, making it accessible to individual investors. 

Tokenisation:  Tokenisation, a concept that involves representing assets or rights as digital tokens on a blockchain, has the potential to revolutionise the investment landscape. It enables fractional ownership, liquidity, and ease of trade. By applying tokenisation to carbon credits, individual investors can actively participate in the carbon credit market, thus forging a new path towards aligning investment portfolios with eco-consciousness and making a meaningful contribution to a greener future.

The future of carbon credit investment platforms lies in allowing individuals to invest in carbon credits via fractional ownership. Leveraging blockchain technology, these platforms offer complete transparency and security to investors, creating a win-win scenario for both investors and the planet. This unique system of tokenisation is designed to incentivise positive actions towards carbon offsetting.

The Government of India has already taken strides in this direction with its 'Green Credit' initiative. However, the details regarding its allocation, redemption, and its link to carbon offsetting and carbon credits are yet to be clarified.

Democratising Carbon Credits -  The democratisation of carbon credits presents exciting opportunities for investors. It not only enables them to build financial assets but also empowers them to actively support sustainable initiatives. By tokenising carbon credits and making them accessible to individuals, these platforms are effectively democratising environmental investments.

They are instrumental in enabling investors to contribute to the environment and cultivate a more eco-conscious lifestyle. As environmental consciousness and sustainability narratives gain prominence, diversifying investment portfolios to include green economy initiatives and carbon credits signifies a shift towards a more environmentally responsible investment approach. Investing in carbon credits offers investors the chance to not only attain potential financial returns but also actively participate in the fight against climate change, thereby advocating for a greener and more sustainable future.

The Road Ahead - India is gradually advancing towards establishing a carbon exchange and a regulatory framework for carbon credits. In this evolving landscape, democratising the carbon credit investment opportunity opens up a significant avenue for investors to create a positive impact. By supporting the burgeoning Indian carbon credit space, individuals, not just businesses, can embrace a dual-purpose investment approach.

This approach allows them to build their financial assets while also contributing to environmental sustainability. As we move forward, it is evident that investments with dual returns, particularly those that support the environment, are not merely a financial choice; they are a reflection of our commitment to a more eco-conscious and sustainable future.

(Koushik Sur is Co-Founder of Myplan8.)
