
Unveiling The Ecological Benefits Of Prefabricated Construction

By Nikhil Bothra December 04, 2023

Prefabricated construction paves the way for a more sustainable and efficient construction industry that safeguards our planet for generations to come

Unveiling The Ecological Benefits Of Prefabricated Construction
India, confronted with an annual production of around 150 million tonnes of construction waste, bears a considerable burden, accounting for a substantial 35–40 percent of the global Construction and Demolition (C&D) waste each year. Shutterstock

In the midst of escalating environmental challenges associated with traditional construction methods, exacerbated by repetitive construction bans around Delhi, NCR, due to severe air quality concerns, the need for a sustainable shift in building practises becomes increasingly apparent. The construction industry's substantial energy consumption, significant waste production, and contribution to CO2 emissions necessitate a reassessment of conventional approaches.

India, confronted with an annual production of around 150 million tonnes of construction waste, bears a considerable burden, accounting for a substantial 35–40 percent of the global Construction and Demolition (C&D) waste each year. This challenge is expected to intensify with a growing population and an ever-increasing demand for housing and infrastructure in the country.

Enter prefabricated construction, commonly known as Pre-engineered Buildings (PEBs), as a transformative solution aligned with India's sustainable development goals. Prefabrication not only addresses environmental concerns but also provides an efficient alternative amid the challenges posed by construction bans.

As Delhi experiences a temporary halt in construction activities to combat air pollution, the delayed project timelines underscore the urgency for resilient, eco-conscious building practises. Let's explore how PEBs can transform the current environmental challenge into an opportunity for sustainable development.

Water Conservation: Traditional construction practises, deeply ingrained in history, often come at a significant and concerning environmental cost. Traditional methods consume vast amounts of water for processes like mixing concrete and curing. In contrast, prefabricated construction is a game-changer, utilising a remarkable 0 percent water during the construction phase.

This is particularly crucial in regions facing water scarcity, such as remote hilly areas where every drop counts. By eliminating water-intensive practises, PEBs help preserve this precious resource and contribute to a sustainable future.

Reduced Carbon Emissions: One of the most compelling reasons to embrace prefabricated engineered structures is their significantly lower carbon footprint.

Traditional construction projects generate massive waste, including surplus materials, excess packaging, and discarded debris, straining landfills and exacerbating environmental degradation. However, PEBs are environmentally friendly, emitting 60 percent less carbon pollution during the construction process compared to conventional construction.

This substantial reduction in emissions is achieved by streamlining the manufacturing process in a controlled environment, reducing energy consumption, and minimising waste.
Shortened Construction Time: Time is a critical factor in the construction industry, and shorter construction periods benefit both builders and the environment. Prefabricated solutions can reduce construction time by more than 50 percent compared to traditional construction methods.

The efficiency of assembling building components in a factory setting and transporting them to the construction site accelerates project timelines, reducing disruption caused by lengthy construction activities and curtailing associated energy and resource use.

Energy Efficiency: PEBs are designed with energy efficiency in mind. The materials used in prefab construction provide superior insulation, maintaining a consistent interior temperature regardless of external weather conditions. India's diverse climate can pose a significant challenge to on-site construction processes.

Prefabricated construction eliminates this issue by shifting most of the work to a controlled indoor environment. By offering enhanced insulation, PEBs contribute to significant energy savings and promote energy-efficient living through the use of renewable energy sources, such as solar panels or wind turbines.

Minimised material waste: The controlled factory environment ensures PEBs have fewer defects, reducing the need for repairs and replacements. Traditional construction, with on-site errors and over-ordering, often generates substantial material waste. PEBs' efficient manufacturing process significantly diminishes material waste, aligning with global efforts for responsible resource management and conservation.

Recyclability: Sustainability extends beyond the construction phase to the life cycle of a building. In India, out of 150 million tonnes of construction waste generated annually, only a mere 1 percent is recycled, as projected by the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE).

Such practises undermine collective efforts towards a greener future and leave a lasting mark on the planet. When a building reaches the end of its life, PEBs can be dismantled, and their components can be repurposed or recycled, as they are designed for disassembly and reuse. This cradle-to-cradle approach minimises waste and adds to the overall sustainability of PEBs.

Improved Resource Management: Prefabrication optimises resource allocation within the factory. Materials and resources are efficiently managed, reducing over-ordering and minimising resource waste. This results in a more efficient use of resources, promoting sustainable practises and responsible resource management.

As we strive to build a greener tomorrow, embracing PEBs and sustainable practises is the first crucial step towards a responsible and eco-conscious construction industry. The choice is clear: prefabricated construction paves the way for a more sustainable and efficient construction industry that safeguards our planet for generations to come.

(Nikhil Bothra is Director, EPACK PREFAB.)
