
COP 26 Should Ensure A Balanced Outcome: Bhupender Yadav

By Outlook Planet Desk September 10, 2021

Environment Minister root for equal treatment to all agenda items like adaptation, finance and response measures.

COP 26 Should Ensure A Balanced Outcome: Bhupender Yadav
COP 26 Should Ensure A Balanced Outcome: Bhupender Yadav.

Union Minister for Environment, Forest and Climate Change Bhupender Yadav met with Danish Minister for Climate, Energy and Utilities, H. E. Dan Jorgensen to discuss on general bilateral cooperation between India and Denmark in the areas of environment and climate change. Minister Dan Jorgensen is on a five-day visit to India with a business delegation.

In the meeting, Mr. Bhupender Yadav acknowledged the historical and friendly ties between the two countries and highlighted the contributions of Denmark in the 'White Revolution' in India, because of which, today India is the largest producer of milk in the world.

Mr. Yadav also appreciated the contributions of Denmark in setting up of the Clean and Wind energy hub in Tamil Nadu and the companies from Denmark that have made significant investments in India in diverse sectors.


Both Ministers held discussions on Green Strategic Partnership (GSP) and the upcoming COP 26 meeting.

Reinstating the findings of the IPCC Physical Science Summary for Policy Makers (SPM) released recently, Shri Yadav highlighted that the world must recall the forgotten phrases ‘Equity, CBDR-RC, and National Circumstances’ that are the bedrock of UNFCCC and its Paris Agreement and emphasized that COP 26 should ensure a balanced outcome with equal treatment to all agenda items like adaptation, finance, response measures, etc.

The Environment Minister’s also discussed the Joint Action Plan to take forward the Green Strategic Partnership(GSP) in the environment sector. Mr. Yadav stated that India and Denmark may explore strengthening bilateral cooperation especially on climate change, clean energy, circular economy, and resource efficiency, etc.

Both sides agreed to further strengthen the bilateral cooperation on the environment, and also to take forward the discussion on GSP and COP26.


Green Energy Meet

Union Minister for Power and New and Renewable Energy, R.K Singh also met with the Danish Minister for Climate, Energy and Utilities. In the meeting, Bhagwanth Khuba, Minister of State for New and Renewable Energy, Secretary MNRE Shri Indu Shekhar Chaturvedi and other senior officials of the Ministries of Power and MNRE were also present. 

The two ministers jointly launched the ‘Centre of Excellence on Offshore Wind’ as part of the GreenStrategic Partnership. This Centre will at the outset be centred around four working groups a) spatial planning; b) financial framework conditions; c) supply chain infrastructure; and d) standards and testing. In the initial phases, the Centre of Excellence (COE) will focus on the offshore wind sector. In the medium to long term, the vision is that the Centre will broaden to include a wider group of international governments and players, accumulating experience and best practices on offshore wind and become an international centre for offshore wind and with broader links to new and renewable energy.

Both countries agreed to further their cooperation in renewable energy with a focus on offshore wind energy. The two countries already have an agreement on “Strategic Sector Cooperation in the field of Renewable Energy with a focus on Offshore Wind Energy”. The Danish minister also invited R. K Singh to Denmark to take a first-hand look at Denmark’s work in offshore wind energy.

R.K Singh underlined to the Danish side that energy transition towards green is an important part of India’s policy. He pointed out that the Hon’ble Prime Minister in his Independence Day speech has set a target of 450 GW of RE capacity by 2030. The minister went on to say that already our whole renewable energy portfolio is at 146 GW. He stated that India is the only G 20 country whose actions are in consonance with the Paris Climate agreement with regard to the global rise in temperature.

