
Taste the Rainbow with Fruits & Veggies

By Bipasha Das May 13, 2020

Quick and easy tips to bring a rainbow of fruits and vegetables on your plate every day.

Taste the Rainbow with Fruits & Veggies
Taste the Rainbow with Fruits & Veggies.

“Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food. ”

That quote by ancient Greek physician Hippocrates stands true even today, as we grapple with a pandemic which knows no borders.

Without question, fruits and vegetables are critical components of a healthy diet. They can help you ward off heart disease, avoid gut issues, control blood pressure, prevent some types of cancer, and strengthen your immunity against both infectious and noncommunicable diseases like diabetes, stroke and cardiovascular problems.

Fruits and vegetables also contribute a number of nutrients that are generally under consumed, including vitamins A, C and K, potassium, fiber and magnesium. And since they are relatively low in calories, they can can replace high calorie foods and thus help in weight loss.

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While this information is easy to understand, it may not be as easy to practice. Getting kids (and even adults!) to eat vegetables may require some creative strategy. Below are four strategies you can use as you start incorporating new fruits and vegetables into your diet:

The Bite Rule: If you’re reluctant to try a new fruit or veggie, commit to taking at least three bites. One bite just isn’t enough to really tell if you like it or not!

Dip It: Think hummus, salsa, guacamole, peanut butter or even yogurt. Many time fruits and veggies dipped in something is not only fun, but tastier as well.

Steam the Greens: They’re much more flavorful and usually sweeter than when eaten raw.

Be Persistent: Your taste buds need time to change. Give a new fruit or veggie at least three tries or more before you cross it off your list forever.

Almost everyone can benefit from eating more fruits and vegetables, but variety is as important as quantity. No single food can provide all the nutrients your body needs, so keep trying new foods until you have a broad array of fruits and veggies that you can enjoy daily.

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If you’re ready to eat more fruits and vegetables, but need help getting started, contact us forthe first step to a healthier you. Want to learn more about the positive impacts of eating more fresh veggies?

Here’s a healthy Lockdown recipe for you.

Cold watermelon salad

Watermelon – 200 gm
Dry Berries / anar – ½ cup
Pumpkin seeds – 2tbsp
Mint leaves – ½ cup
Lemon juice – ½ cup
Paneer / feta cheese – 100 gm
Cheese cube- 1 to 2 as per taste
Black salt /rock salt


-Add mint leaves and lemon juice along with salt on chopped cold watermelon.

-Add scrambled Paneer or feta on top , also add small pieces of cheese with it.

-Garnish with berries , anar and pumpkin seeds.

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Quick Tips

How to Easily Fit Fruits and Veggies into Your Day

-Keep fruit out where you can see it.

-Eat some at every meal, every day. Try filling half your plate with veggies or fruit at each meal. Think salads or even stir fry!

-Bag the potatoes and choose other veggies that are packed with more nutrients and are more slowly digested. Make veggies the star of the dish!

(The author is a health coach and diet counsellor)
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