
COVID-19: Some Advice And A Smoothie For Mothers To Be

By Abhishika Mohanty May 13, 2020

COVID-19: Some Advice And A Smoothie For Mothers To Be
COVID-19: Some Advice And A Smoothie For Mothers To Be.

COVID-19 continues to ravage our world. The elderly, those with pre-existing cardio-pulmonary issues are said to be particularly vulnerable to this virus. Pregnant or lactating women are also vulnerable since their immune system is not operating at optimum capability. However, there is no need to panic. All you need to do is take these few easy steps and ensure a proper diet to ensure that your body is fighting fit. Here’s a list of easily available items you should consume to help keep infections at bay.

1. Amla
2. Haldi /Turmeric
3. Tulsi
4. Neem
5. Black pepper
6 . Cinnamon
7 . Oranges
8. Lemon
9. Ginger
10. Guava

And here’s a smoothie specially meant for help pregnant/lactating women boost their immunity.

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1.Soak sabja seeds & almonds overnight

2. Grind all the ingredients in the blender along with almonds & sabja seeds

3. Consume fresh.

Apart from these, ensure that you have a healthy, balanced diet, have enough fluids (at least 3 three litres), stay physically active, manage your stress levels through meditation/yoga/pranayam,
and get enough sleep.

It is worth reiterating that you must wash your hands frequently (at least 12-14 times a day) with soap and water or an alcohol based sanitizer for at 20 seconds each time. You must also wash your fruits ,veggies milk packets and other items after bringing them from market – with proper sanitation – as we discussed in this podcast.

You must also try to avoid unnecessary travel/ going out. If you have to, do ensure that you wear a mask and scrupulously maintain social distancing.

Last but not the least don’t stress, stay home ,be happy and dial your health care provider if you suffer from any symptoms Check our site, as well as ICMR and Govt of India guidelines to remain updated, and do not panic.

You should also avoid or ignore negative news around the world. Stay positive, and focus on preparing yourself and your surroundings for your newborn. There are many physical challenges an expectant mother goes through, so it is okay if the world too is also going through a challenging time. Remember that this too shall pass.

This article was written by a nutritionist from team Sugati (centre for diet and wellness), and edited by Nutritionist Bipasha Das. They can be reached at:


You can also catch up our other stories on health and diet tips to combat COVID-19:

-Try These Natural Immune System Boosters

-Listen: How To Stay Safe If You Have To Step Out

-Dental Problems During The Lockdown? Here’s Help

-Maternal Health Day: A Lockdown Diet And Tips To Avoid Stress 

-Home Remedies For The Elderly To Protect Against COVID-19
